A beautiful solidarity operation above the abyss of Israeli barbarism: 100 summits for Gaza!

A beautiful solidarity operation above the abyss of Israeli barbarism: 100 summits for Gaza!

Like the France Palestine Solidarity Association (AFPS), our Oumma site makes it its duty to relay the beautiful solidarity operation, invigorating in many ways, which, from March 2 to 10, throughout France, aspires to gain height, above the peaks and, more particularly, the abyss of Israeli barbarism, in order to plant the Palestinian standard: 100 summits for Gaza!

Bravo to the men and women of good will who, faced with the unbearable genocidal massacre of the population of Gaza, implemented it and actively participated in it!

A simple gesture of humanity and solidarity”, underline its organizers with a humility that honors them doubly.

The operation press release

“To show our support for the Palestinian people, for an immediate ceasefire, without political or religious messages. From March 2 to 10, throughout France, we are hoisting the Palestinian flag on summits in France.

We are neither an association nor a political party, just men and women who do not accept the massacre of the inhabitants of Gaza.

In 2 days, a simple WhatsApp thread brought together 200 people, around fifteen summits carried out by around a hundred participants.”