A mother cruelly separated from her children and deported to Gaza
A Palestinian mother of 12 children, including four minors, left for work in the morning, never returned home. She was deported to the Gaza Strip and separated from her children in an instant, Haaretz reports in an editorial calling for her return.
This is the sad story of Agzayeh Karan, born in Gaza and having lived in Israel for 30 years. Married to an Israeli citizen, she gave birth to Israeli children. After her husband left her several years ago, Karan never managed to renew her Israeli residence permit.
“When a policeman caught her during a routine search without a permit, he did not hesitate to act – without allowing her to consult a lawyer, without her being heard and without her being able to speak to their children. She was torn from her children and her life in Israel and transported to the Erez crossing, “says the Israeli daily
Her young children, including a 7-year-old daughter, were left without parents.
“She can’t sleep without her mother. She was very attached to her, and suddenly one day her mother left,” Karan’s eldest son told Haaretz.
“The lack of humanity, logic or fundamental compassion in this story is glaring. None of the government bodies involved in this case – the police, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, the army and the Ministry of the Interior – have put an end to this madness. Even the social services dealing with minor children failed to prevent a mother from being separated from her children. The potential for psychological damage that will result cannot be overstated,” comments Haaretz.
Between the West Bank and Gaza, even first-degree relatives can only visit each other in the event of a family death, terminal illness or burial. Families are thus separated from each other for the rest of their lives, even though the geographic distance between them may be only a few kilometres.
“The fate of Karan’s children – citizens of Israel for all intents and purposes, is at stake here. There is no doubt that it is in their interest to have their mother by their side. Any other decision is cruel and inhumane. “, Calls Haaretz to the Minister of the Interior.
“It is the story of one family, but it reflects the government’s cruel policy towards Palestinians in general and Palestinians living in Gaza in particular,” the article concludes.