Algerian spread El Mordjene halted in its growth in Europe

Algerian spread El Mordjene halted in its growth in Europe

Is the Algerian spread El Mordjene a victim of its dazzling success on the other side of the Mediterranean, in France where more than 5,000 of its pots sold like hotcakes in a single summer?

This is what Mustapha Zebdi, the president of the Algerian Association for the Protection of Consumers (Apoce), greatly fears, given the sudden blockage, at the port of Marseille, of containers filled with the delicious delicacy, a little too tempting for some people’s tastes…

Having come to a sudden halt in its promising marketing in Europe, the El Mordjene spread has suffered a severe blow. In an interview with TSA, after indicating that the ” The decision not to authorise the importation of Algerian spread is based on Article 20, third paragraph, of Regulation No 2202/2292 of the European Union “, Mustapha Zebdi did not hide his serious doubts about the real, more shameful reasons which led to his path being brutally blocked.

The product came in and traveled…and when it became a hazard to their beloved product, they did all the testing and came out with all the standards!!! ” he says indignantly, adding: ” When there are risks and threats to their products, Europeans look for any loophole to protect them. They put in place all possible bans to defend their products. We are obliged to be united and defend our products. “.

From there to thinking that this is what it costs for a spread, 100% made in Algeria, to dare to overshadow European products, and in particular the cult Nutella, there is only one step…