Attack against the Quebec Mosque: seven years already…

Attack against the Quebec Mosque: seven years already…

In a Canada which remains haunted by the terrible attack committed within it, on Sunday January 29, 2017, by one of its own, the Christian terrorist Alexandre Bissonnette, bloodying the Grand Mosque of Quebec, the death knell of Remembrance tolls once again.

At the time of commemorating the seventh anniversary of this terrible tragedy and bowing to the memory of its six Muslim victims, coldly killed in full contemplation, their names are echoed in the collected silence of the Nation: We rememberIbrahima Barryof Mamadou Tanou Barryof Khaled BelkacemiofAbdelkrim HassaneofAzzedine Soufiane and D’Aboubaker Thabtiwho were fathers, husbands, friends, colleagues, Quebecers and Muslims”. (to see or resee our tribute video below).

Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, seated in the Grand Mosque of Quebec
The Living Together Memorial in memory of the six faithful, victims of Islamophobic barbarism

Seven years have passed since that cold Sunday in January, forever marked by the massacre committed by Alexandre Bissonnette, then aged 28 – sentenced to life imprisonment, he had boundless admiration for Anders Breivik, the Norwegian neo-Nazi, author of the massacres in Oslo and the island of Utoya, on July 22, 2011 – and more than ever, Canada advocates the essential values ​​that are “openness and respect”.

Today we remember the six people who lost their lives and the 19 others who were seriously injured during the attack at the Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec in Sainte-Foy “, declared Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, before greeting “ the courage and selflessness of the first responders and community members who put their lives on the line to save worshipers that day.»

And to hammer out: “ Islamophobia has no place in Canada and we must continue our work to help Muslims feel safe! “.

In this straight line, he welcomed the appointment of Amira Elghawaby, presented as the very incarnation of its proactive policy aimed at eradicating Islamophobia.

Amira Elghawaby

We named Amira Elghawaby as Canada’s first special representative to combat Islamophobia. She will bring her experience as a journalist and expert on issues of equity and inclusion. The strategy against racism implemented by the Government of Canada laid the foundations to combat systemic racism and discrimination in federal institutions, public policies, programs and services », he proclaimed, the hope of triumphing over hatred as his standard.

Our video in memory of the deceased Ibrahima Barry, Mamadou Tanou Barry, Khaled Belkacemi, Abdelkrim Hassane, Azzedine Soufiane, Aboubaker Thabti.