David Antonelli, the Zionist writer thirsty for revenge against the Palestinians, looking for jobs, money and friends!
He laments pitifully, feels sorry for his (bad) fate, and pushes his indignity to the point of begging his supporters to dip into their funds to increase his kitty – that of “resistance against censorship and the defense of freedom of expression (you had to dare!) – the ultra-Zionist David Antonelli, whose fundamentally anti-Republican, anti-French and anti-Palestinian remarks led to his downfall, hardly causes tears in the cottages. Or just to laugh…
Born in Corsica, this writer converted to Judaism, arrogant and fulminant, who settled in Israel several years ago, lost his splendor after his ignominious verbal outbursts came back in his face like a boomerang!
Carried away by his unquenchable fury, he undoubtedly believed that he would enjoy the same scandalous impunity as his “promised land” when, on October 16, he belched in rage on the set of I24 News: “I don’t care at all about the 2 million Gazans. What matters to me is the revenge of the 1300 Israelis. We don’t really care about the Quai d’Orsay, we don’t care about international law, we are at home here, we don’t care about the United States, we don’t care about France…”.
Bad luck for him! Unlike the Israeli apartheid state whose veneer as “the only democracy in the Middle East” still does not crack in Western chancelleries or barely, even at the height of the horror of its abuses in Gaza, its ‘is totally and irreparably cracked.
The infamous David Antonelli, who suddenly became inaccessible, has been suspended from the air for four months, following a complaint from Arcom.
Having fallen from grace and having left a void around him, the fervent praiser of Israel in France is today reduced to begging to live, through the famous online kitty launched with his friend Jean-Marc Moskowicz, close to Zemmour, in the name of freedom of expression in danger in France. At country of the Enlightenment under influence, this leaves one wondering…
Desperately looking for friends and money, will David Antonelli emerge from the impasse in which he himself has found himself? What an irony of fate, frankly more exhilarating than cruel!!
Dear friends,
I have been suspended from the air for 4 months on @i24NEWS_FR following a complaint from the @Arcom_fr seized massively by LFI elected officials and numerous pro Hamas activists.
All… pic.twitter.com/PVh55GHz3z— David Antonelli דוד אנטונלי (@DAntonelli26) February 15, 2024