From Harvard to the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Biden's America mobilizes for Palestine and against Israel

From Harvard to the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Biden’s America mobilizes for Palestine and against Israel

In the America of Joe Biden, whose great age can in no way absolve him of his shameful, truly despicable complicity with Israel, demonstrations of solidarity with Palestine compete with the punchy actions against the murderous fury of the entity Zionist: they blow up the most insidious gags, shatter war propaganda of rare obscenity, and spread everywhere, even on the steps or in the enclosures of prestigious places, always more spectacular and resounding.

Above all, they bring honor to the American people and cast even more indignity on the octogenarian in the White House and his administration.

New York, Museum of Modern Art: hundreds of people invaded to demand an end to the unbearable siege of Gaza and the no less repulsive institutional and artistic complicity with Israel.

Harvard, Boston: students of the prestigious American university carried out a “die-in” on the steps of the Widener Library, to protest against the intolerable military offensive against Rafah, whose bombings have already killed hundreds of Palestinian civilians .