Horror scene in Palestine: another village set on fire by Israeli settlers and the occupying army

Horror scene in Palestine: another village set on fire by Israeli settlers and the occupying army

Palestine was again in the grip of the flames of hatred, this Wednesday, May 24, those which ravaged the Palestinian village of Burqa, north of Nablus. A real horror scene!

We publish the press release of the Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS)

During the day, a diplomatic delegation from the European Union visited Burqa, whose inhabitants have been victims of the theft of their land by the State of Israel since 1978. Its members were asked to observe the permanent violations and new threats to the village.

Settlers from the fascist movement “The Youth of the Hills” immediately responded to this visit by attacking the village.

The Israeli human rights movement Yesh Din reports thatdozens of settlers, accompanied by the army, invaded the village, burning down several houses. Palestinians reported being injured by live ammunition. »

Just like in the village of Huwara 3 months ago, settlers burned houses, attacked property and people, and fired at Palestinians. As in Huwara, the ubiquitous army in the occupied Palestinian territory not only did not intervene to stop them, but accompanied them in their work of destruction.

Following the Huwara pogrom, Minister Smotrich declared that the village should be wiped off the map. He had participated, a few days later, in a demonstration in the direction of the colony of Eyviatar on the lands of the village of Beita – a martyr village too, near Huwara. Thousands of settlers, several ministers and deputies demanded the occupation and colonization of the lands of Beita.

This same minister paraded, Thursday, May 18, during the so-called “march of flags” which commemorates the occupation of Jerusalem in 1967 and its annexation in defiance of international law. During this march, tens of thousands of settlers marched through the Old City of Jerusalem, for hours shouting racist slogans and attacking Palestinians.

Among the slogans shouted ad nauseam, Death to the Arabs and let their villages burn “. How not to make the link with what happened last night in Burqa?

Smotrich, always announced to him a few days ago his intention to double the number of settlers in occupied Palestinian territory.

To clearly show its determination to pursue relentlessly and at a forced march the colonization of Palestine, Israel did not stop on such a good path, ignoring the visits of diplomats and the condemnations without follow-up: the next day, important Earthworks began around Burqa to allow access to the Homesh settlement, ransacking and confiscating ever more private Palestinian land.

The new horror scenes in Burqa came shortly after Palestinians commemorated 75 years of the Nakba, the catastrophe which between 1947 and 1949 saw 800,000 of them driven out and dispossessed of their lands by making refugees. They confirm that the Nakba has never ceased, that the process of dispossession and ethnic cleansing is still ongoing. Every day, the proof is made on the ground in Palestine.

What happened yesterday in Burqa is not an error in the course of a supposedly democratic State, it is only one of the aspects of a regime of domination and systematic oppression of the Palestinian people whose aim has been the same since 1947, taking the land of the Palestinians, driving them out and replacing them. This regime has a name, it is a crime against humanity, it is the crime of apartheid.

How much longer will it take, how many abuses, how many massacres, how many war crimes, crimes against humanity, how many diplomatic field visits for the “international community” to stop letting Israel looking elsewhere?

Enough condemnations without effect and without a future!
The absolute urgency today is the protection of the Palestinians: we solemnly appeal to our government and to the European Union to stop the hand of the criminals! We must put an end to the impunity of Israel, its settlers, its soldiers, its leaders. To do this, action is needed and this requires immediate sanctions.

But a name must also be put on what Israel is doing between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan: Israel is committing the crime of apartheid there. It’s time to recognize it!