Sociologist Alain Policar excluded from the Council of Elders of Secularism for his comments on the veil at school

Sociologist Alain Policar excluded from the Council of Elders of Secularism for his comments on the veil at school

His less intransigent, less dogmatic positions on secularism, and above all less fiercely hostile to the wearing of the veil at school, cost sociologist Alain Policar his seat.

The Council of Elders of Secularism and the Values ​​of the Republic will now do without the more nuanced perception of this enlightened sage, appointed in 2022, who contrasted with the sectarianism of his peers, thus quickly decided Nicole Belloubet, the former Minister of Justice transformed into Minister of National Education by the magic of the game of musical chairs…

Confirming information from Opinionher entourage explained to World that the departure of Alain Policar had been announced by the minister in a speech before the council on April 22, and that it would be effective « at 1er July “.

It was an interview given to RFI at the beginning of April that sealed the fate of Alain Policar. The latter confidently delivered his analysis of the law of March 15, 2004 prohibiting religious symbols in public schools, of which it escaped no one's notice that its essential aim was to proscribe the wearing of the veil.

It appears to me, rightly or wrongly, to be discriminatory against Muslims. “, he declared, before adding: “ In my eyes, the veil is not most often a sign of proselytism – sociological surveys show that it is often even a vector of emancipation for young girls in relation to their environment – ​​and wearing of the veil should therefore be analyzed each time on a case-by-case basis. However, the law does not allow this detailed analysis “.

An analysis clearly a little too fine, a little too subtle, a little less repressive and more tolerant, which has no place in the secular Republic, country of the law of 1905 hollowed out of its substantive marrow.