The Cordoba Mosque-Cathedral crosses the 2 million visitors’ mark in 2024

Emblematic monument of Hispano-Muslim architecture, the Cordoba’s mosque-cathedral embodies eight centuries of history. Built in the 8th century on a Visigothic basilica, then transformed into a cathedral in the 13th century, it fascinated by its column forest with two -color arches and its Mihrab with Byzantine mosaics. This architectural masterpiece, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage since 1984, testifies to the unique coexistence of Islamic and Christian arts.

The Andalusian architectural jewel pushed its attendance records with 2.18 million visitors in 2024, exceeding its historic 2019 peak. The cathedral chapter reveals an impressive growth of 14% compared to 2023.

Mars stands out as the flagship month with a leap of 26% attendance. The ventilation of visits testifies to a diversified access policy: nearly 385,000 people benefited from free (17.57%), some 512,000 benefited from preferential rates (23.41%), while 1, 3 million visitors chose the standard entrance (59.02%).

The thematic routes also attest to an increasing craze. The night visits “the soul of Cordoba” captivated more than 34,000 curious (+5.75%), the Clocher Tour has recorded a historic level since 2014 with nearly 114,000 climbs, and the Fernandines churches circuit A Seduced more than 180,000 visitors, marking an increase of more than 51,000 people compared to 2023. This record crowd confirms the growing attraction of this UNESCO monument, a symbol of dialogue between Christian and Muslim cultures.