Zakat-al-Fitr Ramadhan 2024 amount: €9 per dependent

Zakat-al-Fitr Ramadhan 2024 amount: €9 per dependent

Zakat-al-Fitr is the alms with which the Muslim ends the fast of Ramadhan. It is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman, big or small, even those who were born at dawn on the day of Eid, rich or poor, if they have food exceeding a day's subsistence.

The person responsible for the “home” family fulfills this for himself and for any person living under his care.

Its amount for this Ramadhan 2024 was estimated at 9 euros / €9

It is paid from the day before the 27thth day of Ramadhan and in any case before the Eid al Fitr prayer (1erShawwal). If it is not paid on time, it remains the responsibility of the Muslim as a debt until he pays it. Read article below by Talha Mahamat Allim.

The obligation to pay Zakah al-Fitr

The precious fasting period of the blessed month of Ramadan 2024 is drawing to a close. It is an exceptional opportunity for a spiritual, social and human journey which conditions the believer in the Path of Allah's approval (sîratâl mûstaqîm). The observance of this blessed month should allow us to tend, Insha Allah, towards piety, the fear of Allah (Tâqwa), which constitutes the ultimate objective of fasting.

This tendency towards piety also leads us to pay with appropriate intention Zakah al-Fitr, which is a purifying legal alms linked to the month of Ramadan. Zakât al-Fitr is obligatory for all fasters, in order to purify themselves and complete the immense reward of the blessed month of Ramadan. It is therefore a duty for each fasting person if he has his amount, in addition to his own charge and the charge of those he feeds on the day of the feast and the night which follows it, to discharge it. Zakah al-Fitr is directly linked to the person and not to their property. As a result, it is the same for everyone regardless of age, sex or wealth.

This purifying legal alms was historically granted in the form of foodstuffs amounting to the measure of one “Sâ” = 4 Moudd (the content of 4 times two joined hands); Sâ, is an Arabic term which corresponds to approximately 2.7 kilos of food products. These products corresponded to those that were most consumed in a country, such as rice, wheat, corn, millet, etc. In Chad, for example, there is a lot of consumption of millet, sorghum, corn and rice.

It should also be noted that Muslim scholars have come to the conclusion that Zakah al-Fitr can be granted in cash, that is, in money (1). Cash provides more flexibility to the giver and the receiver; the latter will thus be able to have more room to maneuver in relation to his needs.

Note also that there are various other guidelines regarding the payment of Zakat al-Fitr. Among other things, it is accepted to give several alms to a single person just as one can distribute alms among several people. Furthermore, the Muslim must give Zakah al Fitr in the society in which he lives. It is only recommended to transfer this alms to another country in case of necessity and especially in a country which needs it following difficult situations (natural disaster, famine, etc.).

Likewise, it is preferable that Zakata-Fitr must be paid to those entitled to it, at the latest before the holiday prayer. However, it can be validly paid throughout the month of Ramadan, especially if you want to send it abroad. Also note that it is always possible to mandate someone to perform Zakat on your behalf. In this case, the intention must exist at the time of granting the power of attorney. Which, moreover, does not prevent the agent from formulating the intention in turn when giving Zakat. Actions are only as good as intentions. By the way, who are the beneficiaries of Zakah al-Fitr?

Zakah al-Fitr must be paid to the eight (8) categories cited in verse 60 of Surah 9 of the Qur'an: “Alms are intended: for the poor; to the needy; to those who are responsible for collecting and distributing them; to those whose hearts need to be strengthened; to the freeing of slaves; to those who are burdened with debt; to the jihad Fi Sabilillah and to ibnoussabil (the traveler also called the child of the road). This is God's order! God is knowledgeable and Hakim.”

It is also a duty for the Muslim to pay zakat for his Muslim wife, his children who have not reached puberty and any relatives who are dependent on him, that is to say those whose care is a duty for him, for example his father and mother if they are poor. As for adult children, their prior consent is necessary. Note also that a single woman, or a widow, who has means of subsistence, must also pay Zakah al-Fitr.

It should be remembered that it is prohibited to allocate Zakah to the construction of works such as mosques, hospitals, roads, etc. given that these works are intended for the use of everyone (poor and rich), while Zakât is exclusively reserved for categories well determined by Allah Soubhanahou wa Taâla cited above.

Moreover, Zakât al-Fitr thus allows the poor and needy to spend the holiday in joy and peace by sparing them from reaching out their hand on that day. This act of solidarity and charity ensures that no member of the community is excluded from the enjoyment of community festivities. Zakat can also be a source of social stability for the individual who receives it. It is evident that Zakat is part of the Islamic tradition of generosity and should remind us to continue to cultivate compassion, generosity and respect towards one another regardless of our social position, beyond the particular month of Ramadan .

May Allah grant each of us His favors, His Guidance, His approval of which the beneficiary enjoys an exceptional status of serenity, peace, reference to the community, social utility, superior intelligence, baraka for him and for his family…Leaving you under the protection of Allah, we suggest you meditate on this verse from Surah Al-an'âm:

“Say: surely my prayer, my acts of worship, my life and my death belong to God, Lord of the worlds. He has no partners.”