Beginning of the month of Ramadan 1446 h – Saturday March 1, 2025
Beginning of the month of Ramadan 1446 h – Saturday March 1, 2025
According to the calculation criteria adopted by the French Council for Muslim worship (CFCM) in 2013, which take into account the visibility of the new moon, it will be observable from Friday, February 28, 2025 in almost all of the globe. Consequently, the CFCM announces that the first day of the month of Ramadan 1446 h will be Saturday March 1, 2025.
On this occasion, the CFCM sends its best wishes to all Muslims in France and wishes them a month of meditation, tranquility, solidarity and sharing.
Dispensions of fasting
Regarding the practice of fasting, the CFCM recalls that religion provides for several exemptions for people whose state of health or the situation does not allow them to fast. Are notably concerned: the elderly, the sick, pregnant or lactating women, travelers, etc.
It is recommended to consult your doctor upstream in order to obtain medical advice and act accordingly.
Zakat El Fitr: 9 euros per person
Compulsory alms, Zakat El Fitr, due by each Muslim family, is set this year at 9 euros per person. This amount, calculated in accordance with religious rules, takes into account the means of the donor as well as the needs of the beneficiary.
There are legitimate differences on the evaluation of the amount of this alms, generally between 7 and 12 euros. Each faithful can therefore refer to its usual religious authority to pay the sum it would have recommended.
The Zakat El Fitr is intended for poor people, regardless of their religious affiliation. It is recommended to provide them with the needy of her place of residence, but if necessary, she can be sent elsewhere. Its payment, which generally intervenes at the end of the month of Ramadan, can however be made from the first day.
Compensatory alms (Fidya)
People who are unable to make up for the days of failed fasting for permanent inability to fast (chronic illnesses, advanced age, etc.) are in some cases led to pay a compensation alms (Fidya), for the benefit of those who are in need. Depending on the legal notice taken as reference by the person concerned, the amount of this alms, per missed day, can vary between the equivalent of Zakat El Fitr (either between 7 and 12 euros), of his half (either between 3, 5 and 6 euros) or its quarter (between 2 and 3 euros). In any case, the CFCM recommends everyone and everyone to follow the opinion that best corresponds to their situation.
Destination of Zakat El Fitr and Fidya
The collection and distribution of Zakat and Fidya can be entrusted to a person or a charitable association. However, it is imperative to recall that this alms is exclusively intended for the poor and can in no case be used to finance a mosque. For the sake of transparency, mosques collecting funds for their operation must clearly inform the donors and keep separate funds.
Paris, February 4, 2025
The French Council for Muslim worship (CFCM)