Legislative: Voting for Benjamin Sigoura is the promise of having… armed militias! But what is the Republic doing?!
At the sight of his happy face under the yarmulke that covers him, we could almost, according to the established Catholic formula, give him the good Lord without confession… Except for this small detail that the radiant Benjamin Sigoura, in the running for the legislative elections in the eighth constituency of French people established outside France, is much less ingenuous and angelic than he appears in his photo.
A veritable blaster of an ultra-communitarian political crusade, the “ religious Jewish deputy candidate determined to eradicate anti-Semitism, defend Jews and Israel! », as he presents himself on That is to say !
This dangerous troublemaker without a label, who dreams of a great destiny under the dome of the Palais Bourbon, dared to push the envelope even further, by revealing in complete peace, without fear of revealing his dark side and his dark designs, the strong axes of his program.
And what a program, fundamentally anti-Republican!! “Creation of armed community militias to strengthen the security of the Jews of France”; “Promotion of Jewish and Israeli culture during cultural events open to all”; “Embassy in Jerusalem the eternal capital” or “Spread Judaism and the 7 Laws of Noah”. Nothing less !
A question arises acutely: But what is the Republic doing?! As usual, when it comes to pro-Zionist praisers of Israel, however furious they may be, she says nothing and therefore consents, while silence reigns within the subsidized and influenced mainstream media. . All is well in the best of all possible worlds…