Sweden: Salwan Momika, the sinister arsonist of the Noble Quran, would he have found someone to talk to?!

Sweden: Salwan Momika, the sinister arsonist of the Noble Quran, would he have found someone to talk to?!

After knowingly committing the worst sacrilege and unleashing, not without jubilation, a thunder of indignation in the Muslim world, Salwan Momika, the sinister arsonist of the Noble Koran in Sweden, would he have finally found someone to talk to?! Enjoying intolerable impunity, would he have finally fallen on a bone?! (see the viral video below)

The intentions of this arsonist of the worst kind are as clear as they are evil: refugee in the land of the fjords, where he struggles to break the ice by setting fire to the powder, this ” thinker, writer and free atheist “, as he defines himself on Facebook, very infatuated with himself, is a sad sire with a troubled past…

Former leader of a Christian nucleus within the Imam Ali Brigades, an Iraqi militia close to Tehran and accused of war crimes, such a character could only spawn in particularly troubled waters, in this case those of the far right, from his incursion on Swedish soil in 2018. And the least what we can say is that it has been rife there ever since like a fish in water…

From Järna where he lives, braggadocio and fidgeting frantically, taking malicious pleasure in blowing on the embers of hatred on social networks, Salwan Momika, who believes that he ” there are no limits to my ideas and my pen », has for a long time pulverized all the limits in action!

Let us recall that on the very day of the celebration of Eid Al-Adha, this dangerous maniac, without faith or law, angrily trampled on a copy of the Holy Book of Islam in front of the Great Mosque of Stockholm, before burning several of his pages. Height of the odious, he had threatened to ” burn a copy of the Koran and an Iraqi flag in front of the Iraqi embassy within ten days “.

Would he have finally found someone to talk to, facing an Iraqi boxer?!