The grandiose support given to Karim Benzema by his Saudi supporters
” No one is a prophet in his own country”. Although it has its source in immemorial times, the famous popular expression has not only lost none of its accuracy over the centuries, but it even takes on its full (contemporary) meaning when it is applied to Karim Benzema…
No, Karim Benzema is definitely not a prophet in a France of which he is the black beast and which, even thousands of kilometers from its steep contours and despite its title of glory “Ballon d’Or 2022”, which it has clearly had difficulty digesting it, went out of its way to demonize it outrageously, ad nauseam.
The prize for gutter demagoguery goes to the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and the sad Sir Eric Zemmour, who, without batting an eyelid, recently hit rock bottom by accusing him of being a “dangerous Islamist with notorious links to the Muslim Brotherhood”among other compliments… Gross state lie, when you have us!
But why the hell engage in such hateful one-upmanship? Because the star striker of the Saudi club All-Ittihad has, in a few lines published on X, dared to publicly and unconditionally support the martyred population of Gaza, by denouncing the new Israeli war crimes. O outrage, O infamy, immediately howled with the wolves the pack of pro-Zionist laudators of the French Republic!! De Gaulle must be turning in his grave…
All our prayers for the inhabitants of Gaza who are once again victims of these unjust bombings which spare no women or children.
— Karim Benzema (@Benzema) October 15, 2023
Brought down in flames by a France from above which, since Sarkozy, has never ceased to declare its love for Israel, Karim Benzema could even flatter himself of having become to this extent the new French obsession, if the persistence in slandering him does not He was also furious and ignominious.
Shamed in France, the football star is fortunately adored elsewhere, notably in Saudi Arabia, his new home of choice, where his fervent supporters have united behind him, unfurling a grandiose banner of support before the world.
This is undoubtedly the best response they could give to the chaos sowers of the French political class, who themselves deserve to be given the red card of indignity and shame.