The hypocritical controversy surrounding Pascal Boniface
Sometimes all it takes is a caustic remark that hits where the problem lies – in this case the refusal to express itself on what the French political class, with rare exceptions, commonly and cynically calls “the conflict in the Middle East” – to kick in the anthill of ambient hypocrisy…
This is what Pascal Boniface, the director of IRIS and renowned geopolitical scientist, has just accomplished, not without suffering the consequences. This expert on the balance of power between States has, in fact, come under heavy criticism since Sunday October 20.
What do we reproach him with so much vehemence, to the point of anathema? To have, in a few scathing lines, denounced the basely political self-censorship of Karim Bouamrane, the socialist mayor of Saint-Ouen, on the set of the show What a timee, on France 2, calling him a “Muslim in appearance”.
Courageous but not reckless, the Ile-de-France councilor, considered the rising star of the PS and fiercely hostile to an alliance with LFI, preferred to remain silent on the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict” in the face of Léa Salamé, walling himself in a silence which questions greatly, and with particular acuity, Pascal Boniface.
The reaction of Pascal Boniface which ignited the powder and which he has since withdrawn: “ Honestly, I wonder about this man who I don’t know personally. Is he an example of meritocracy? So well done! Or exploited like an apparently Muslim who does not criticize Netanyahu and therefore benefits from big media promotion”
It is the shocking phrase “Muslim in appearance”, considered shocking by many and first and foremost by Karim Bouamrane, and which Pascal Boniface today recognizes was inappropriate, which set the minds of those who , usually, have no qualms about referring French people of Muslim faith to their identity, their origins, their religious affiliation. And with incredible anger when the terrible genocide in progress which is bloodying Gaza is discussed, when this universal human tragedy, which should haunt all consciences, is treated.
In 2024, in the land of Voltaire, it is clear that double standards still prevail as ferociously, tyrannically, while Islamophobia in the upper echelons has never been so pervasive and profitable.
All is well in the best of all possible worlds, according to the now established Voltairian expression which should resonate with Pascal Boniface, this valiant pamphleteer in his spare time, which we will never remember enough that he was the only one, in 2011, to dare to demystify “ The intellectual counterfeiters », this circle of less than virtuous clerics composed of BHL, Finkielkraut, Fourest, Encel, Val, Sifaoui and others….
“ Anti-Muslim and anti-Islam racism ensures you promotions in the press. We give you programs, forums and we entrust you with the management of a newspaper », says Jean-Michel Apathy.
Jean-Michel Apathy: “Anti-Muslim and anti-Islam racism ensures you promotions in the press. You are given broadcasts, platforms and you are entrusted with the management of a newspaper”
— (@oumma) January 6, 2024