After saving all his life, an 85-year-old Indonesian finally fulfills his dearest wish: to perform the Hajj

After saving all his life, an 85-year-old Indonesian finally fulfills his dearest wish: to perform the Hajj

For more than 30 years, driven by an unwavering faith in Allah, an Indonesian traffic policeman saved penny after penny, never giving in to discouragement.

Slowly but surely, the very pious Husin bin Nisan filled his little woolen stocking with a view to a beautiful and great aspiration: to go to Mecca one day in order to perform the Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam.

Arrived at the twilight of his existence, the infinite patience and extraordinary perseverance shown by the old man of 85 years are finally rewarded. With the savings of a lifetime, Husin bin Nisan, with tears in his eyes, was recently able to pack his bags and set foot in the Holy Land, among a group of elderly pilgrims from Indonesia.

In front of the American Muslim media who told his touching story, Husin bin Nisan recalled, moved, the fervor with which he prayed, throughout these 30 years of hard work, imploring the Most High of grant his dearest wish: I beg you, God, open the way for me to go to Mecca and Medina “, he said in a voice trembling with emotion, confiding with a feeling of fullness: “ Now I can die in peace anytime because God answered my prayer “.