Artists mobilize: Eurovision cannot whitewash war crimes!
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Call from artists demanding the exclusion of Israel from Eurovision 2024.
A vibrant appeal supported by the AFPS
1,300 Swedish artists have demanded the exclusion of Israel from the Eurovision Song Contest which will take place in Malmö from May 7 to 11.
1,400 Finnish artists followed them, then Irish artists… Two petitions have since been opened in Europe, one on, the other on Eko. At the beginning of April, they totaled well over 100,000 signatures.
We, French artists, join them with determination in the face of the horror that continues in Gaza and we address Delphine Ernotte, president of France Télévisions, but also president of the European Broadcasting Union which organizes the competition.
For almost 6 months, the main human rights organizations have confirmed this: nearly 40,000 Palestinians were killed or disappeared, including more than 15,000 children.
Israel has destroyed virtually all vital civilian infrastructure, created inhumane living conditions and forced nearly 2 million people into relentless exoduses.
The humanitarian catastrophe is such that in January, The International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to prevent any act of genocide and to punish incitement to genocide. Without success, despite a new order at the end of March.
No matter, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) welcomes Israel. However, in 2022, it had excluded Russia. However, in 2021, Belarus was excluded for non-compliance with press freedom rules. In Gaza, in less than four months, around a hundred Palestinian journalists have been killed and the foreign press is denied access. But that doesn't count!
As artists or as cultural professionals, it is our duty to refuse to allow Eurovision to be used to whitewash criminal policies. And the fact that Israel's bloody vengeance in Gaza was preceded, on October 7, by heinous war crimes does not exonerate the country from international law.
The Eurovision Song Contest is a peace project.
Confirming Israel's participation undermines its credibility.
Currently, the signal is clear: we can commit war crimes without being worried!
What will we tell our children when they ask us what we did?
We launch a solemn appeal to the European Broadcasting Union:
Madam Delphine Ernotte-Cunci, President of France Télévisions; President of the EBU Ms. Sibyle Veil, President and CEO of Radio France
Madame Marie-Christine Saragossp, President and CEO of France Médias Monde
Do not allow war crimes to be absolved in song
Refuse Israel's participation!
We call on all citizens·nes to join us by signing this petition.
>> Petition link
The first signatories:
Annie Ernaux, Stéphane Aucante, HK Kaddour Hadadi, Titi Robin, Denis Pean, Dominique Ziegler, Philippe Tancelin, Alain Soler, Philippe Coudray, Marc Perrone, Les Ramoneurs de menhirs, Basela Abou Hamed, Françoise Marmin, Kamilya Jubran, Daniel Kupferstein, Célia Reggiani, Christine Coulange, Sandoz, Daniel Muringer, Jean Luc Coudray, Blaine, Michèle Bernard, Elisabeth Ponsot, Delaigue, Jean Marc Turine, Russo, Paulette Franceschi, Garraud, Réginald, Claire Bossé, Philomène Constant, Hélène Corria, Houssam Dahhan, Marc Gicquel, Ashraf Dabbah, Bastien Anthoine, Alexis Chevalier, Sater Clarisse, Laurence Keel, Sater ibrahim, Toufik Benichou, Daniel Muringer, Patrick Cantat, Joëlle Le Rheun, Geneviève Lafosse Dauvergne, Michel Benizri, Régis mahé, Denis Ponchant, Stéphane Bérard, Sylvain Le Bail, Corinne grassi, Mato Stern, Ducos, Soraya Radji, Berrada Hakima, Nadja Cohen, Ben Mahammed, Marie-Odile Perret, Khaled AbuAlakis, Tahar Dilmi, Staali, Albert Hartweg, Valérie Rodrigue, Hocile Boukella, Romuald Vuillemin, Sarah Colomb , Janine Halbreich-Euvrard, Ramzi Aburedwan, Rémi Allain, Bernard Barré, Marie José El Haimer, Slimane Dazi, Salah Oudahar, Soumi Nasser, Alain Gorius, Nicolas Souchal, Benoit Raffin, Candice Raymond, Michelle Lecolle, Ismaël Métis, Kevin Hocquaux, Cherti, Pierre Talhouarn, Nasséra, Roxanne Drab, Karima Zaidi, Bajla Goldberg, Kevin Flamme, Vincent Granger, Narimene Bey, Marie Benani, Hélène Lemoine, Elize Sokolova, Jamy 203, Logan Durant, Anna Caminada, Boukarssana, Caron, Alice Creteur, Nebuleuz, Carol Shyman, Morgane, Naïma, Charles Beillard, Dominique Manet, Marion Slitine, Bansard, Laura Dufour, Restani Reyan, Héro Écho, Dimitri Bardunov, Samione, Samuel Delaunay, Allal Tewfik, Nathalie Simus, Laoufi Hamza, Alex Baladi, Said Azouz, Yacine Belkaid, Saad Eddine Zerrouki, Sérot, Samuel Zanin, Marie-Noël Letellier, Zahedi Rogine, Marc Madoré, Mehdi Arafa, Hanane, Sylvie Dahmani, Sabin, Aurore Moine, Didier Fleurent, Monville, Venus Bitan, Gwen Ribordy, Sihame Belkhadir, Benabdelmoumène Saléha, Coquet, Salim Djaferi, Wak Ina, Ouarda, Léa Berteaux, Sabin Saada, Monique Etienne.