Belgium: a giant Iftar, celebrating Easter and Ramadan, brought together 7,000 guests, Muslims and Christians

Belgium: a giant Iftar, celebrating Easter and Ramadan, brought together 7,000 guests, Muslims and Christians

In Belgium, and more particularly in Borgerhout, a district of the city of Antwerp, the rare and happy coincidence of the celebrations of the great Easter holiday and the blessed month of Ramadan brought joy to Christians and Muslims, to the point of celebrating together , in a street decorated with shimmering colors of living together, around a gigantic table… More than two kilometers long!

Last Sunday evening, without being asked, more than 7,000 Belgian citizens took part in this extraordinary Iftar, with flavors as varied as those who tasted them, forming a huge, colorful, joyful table. and fraternal, worthy of inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records.

This year, Easter falls during Ramadan. That's why, during this iftar, we wanted to bring even more people together. Not just Muslims or Christians, everyone was welcome », rejoiced Latifa El Morabit, the general coordinator of the event and director of the socio-cultural organization FMV, whose aspiration was fulfilled beyond her expectations.

“We wanted to bring together people from different backgrounds to create connections and promote dialogue », welcomed, for her part, the mayor of the district, Mariam El Osri.

The aptly named Iftar of Borgerhout, the “2kmsamenaantafel” (2 km together at the table), broke all records, and not the least… In particular, that of abolishing the walls of incomprehension, fear and hatred around a huge tempting table, composed of Flemish, Moroccan, Palestinian and Syrian dishes, which delighted the taste buds, but also and above all nourished social bonds.