English pastor observes Ramadan fast in gratitude to Muslims

English pastor observes Ramadan fast in gratitude to Muslims

Anthony Murley, the pastor of All Saints Church in Birmingham, is certainly not his first fast, but it is the first time that he has been inspired by the blessed month of Ramadan and the great spiritual breath that crosses it.

In this industrial city nestled in the heart of England, where the bell tower of its beautiful parish, steeped in history, rubs shoulders with the minaret of the elegant red brick Hussainia Mosque, harmonious interreligious coexistence is not a sweet utopia… No offense to the disgruntled, sectarian, anticlerical or even viscerally Islamophobic, it continues to be consolidated since another very Catholic annual fast: that of Lent, which ends on the eve of the Easter holiday.

Indeed, last year, Pastor Anthony Murley had the immense joy of seeing senior Muslim dignitaries from the neighboring mosque, accompanied by several faithful, spontaneously come to meet him to announce great news: eager to weave interfaith ties, they unanimously decided to observe the Lenten fast as a sign of respect and fraternity.

Deeply touched by this gesture of hope, the man of the church and bridge builder at heart took an oath: he committed to returning the favor in 2024, during the sacred interlude of Ramadan. . It’s now done!

All Saints Church
The Hussainia Mosque

We are aware of the differences between our religions, but also of our common desire to serve our community with love. It is good to be able to maximize encounters with others, to engage in lasting interreligious exchanges, based on mutual trust and respect, from which beautiful, unwavering friendships can be born. », Explained Pastor Murley, specifying that his Ramadan fast, with its inestimable benefits, is accompanied by a major fundraiser, the fruit of which will be donated to the Human Relief Foundation which provides assistance to Muslims and Christians in Iraq.

A fervent supporter of the international #Christian4Ramadan campaign, launched by Christians to spread the spirit and values ​​of Ramadan beyond all borders, visible and invisible, Anthony Murley, as illustrated in the photo above, willingly took a pose to promote this great unifying operation.

I am proud to have had the idea for this action which aimed to strengthen ties with All Saints Church and its parishioners in the middle of the Lenten fast. », Confided for his part Nasrin Shah, a faithful of the Hussainia mosque, happy to have contributed to cementing, on the basis of living together, the promising relations between Christians and Muslims in Birmingham.