Interview with Zaynab Bouayad, vice-president of Prémices, the association that encourages young people to strive for excellence
Founded in 2015, the Prémices association has been supporting promising and ambitious middle and high school students for eight years, with undeniable success, with an emphasis on academic and cultural excellence.
Prémices also makes every effort to promote the development of their spirituality, while inspiring them with the spirit of solidarity.
The Prémices association, which takes care to prepare the young generation who is motivated and thirsty to learn for the elite sectors, is also very popular for the organization of intensive courses, tutoring, as well as various events and activities. extra-curricular activities that enrich the quintessence of its educational program.
Zaynab Bouayad, its vice-president, agreed to answer Oumma’s questions.
Can you introduce us to the Prémices association?
Prémices is an association whose primary vocation is to promote the academic, personal and spiritual fulfillment of talented and studious middle and high school students, in a benevolent and fraternal atmosphere.
On the academic level, the aim of the association is to allow deserving young people, girls and boys, to have access to the courses of their choice, thanks to the quality of their academic record.
On a more personal level, it helps to increase their self-confidence, to instil in them a taste for effort, rigor and mutual aid, while teaching them to organize themselves with a view to optimal management of their time.
Arousing curiosity and developing critical thinking are also of paramount importance, which is why many outings and cultural events are planned on the program.
Finally, on the spiritual level, the association aspires to transmit a sound and enlightened understanding of Islam, by harmoniously reconciling its faith in God, the fulfillment of its religious duties with the various courses and activities set up.
Prémices is an association that provides courses in mathematics, French and physics-chemistry to young college/high school students, from the fifth to the final year. Classes take place during the month of August, as well as on Sundays and for a week during each school holiday period. They end in June.
In a stimulating environment, the main objective that we are pursuing is to allow these young people to develop fully on all levels, to perfect their knowledge and improve their skills in various fields, in order to later make accomplished young adults, better equipped for the future and capable of achieving excellence.
Raising the level of education of today’s young people, who will be the key players in tomorrow’s society, is at the heart of our priorities.
What makes the Prémices program special?
The added value of Prémices lies in its in-depth and intensive teaching. Indeed, we propose a sustained pace of work to better target the full academic potential, the objective being to support our students as well as possible until the Terminale and to open the doors to the sectors of excellence.
Joining the Prémices program also means developing your oral skills by preparing for and taking part in an eloquence contest.
Being a student at Prémices also means acquiring or maintaining the spirit of solidarity, until you have anchored it to the body, by helping people in need by participating in maraudes.
Outside the program, intensive courses and tutoring are organized during school vacation periods.
In summary, our educational program, in addition to promoting remarkable academic success, trains future adults who are full of the future and concerned about their neighbor, who, confident in themselves and in their values, will contribute a lot to the community and to human society. surrounding.
Why did you create Prémices?
We started from an edifying observation on the academic success of young people. There is a great disparity between the quality of the education provided in the so-called “Parisian” colleges/high schools and that of the working-class or middle-class neighborhoods.
This disparity is even more glaring in higher education, where students face a real gap between the requirements of high school and those of universities, prepas… Our objective is therefore to enable young people, wishing to succeed, to access to these sectors of excellence, by facilitating the delicate transition between secondary and higher education.
What events does the Prémices association organise?
Prémices organizes several events outside of the association’s internal activity.
First of all, we are setting up orientation forums, so that our students can find out about the different courses available to them and which are accessible to them. Indeed, one of the evils of young people is the ignorance of the existence of certain sectors, when it does not suffer from the misinformation that surrounds them.
These forums are also an opportunity for the younger generation to draw valuable sources of inspiration, and to realize that success in any sector and access to any profession are possible.
We also organize within the mosques, this place of social life, a great event which encourages the knowledge and the mastery of the language of Molière: the “Dictations of the mosques”. This dictation contest, with prizes to be won, is also a great opportunity to hold a conference on the theme of education and highlight the academic background and professional successes of several speakers.
In addition, we initiate annual cohesion weekends between students and members, outside the school framework, in order to establish and strengthen fraternal ties.
Finally, the association also took part in several eloquence contests. For the first time, in 2023, it is not without pride that Prémices was able to organize its own eloquence contest.
What is the composition of the teaching staff in charge of the Teaching Department?
The Teaching Department is made up of neo-professionals or students from prestigious Parisian courses, such as Paris-Dauphine University, La Sorbonne, Sciences Po, as well as other major business and engineering schools.
The quality of the faculty lies in its diversity, we have students in mathematics, physics, economics, law, social sciences… The students benefit from the transmission of knowledge from the professor, but also from a sharing of experience, rich in lessons, allowing the student to project himself more easily in his orientation.
All the members of the association are volunteers and aspire that these young people can flourish in all the fields that make up their being, so that they will later be bearers of good and agents of positive change in society!
Who can register and how?
Our classes range from 5th to 12th grade. We are looking for students who are motivated, diligent and, above all, determined to set the bar for Knowledge very high, to achieve excellence in all areas.
To register, simply complete the application form. Then, the student takes selection tests in French, mathematics and physics-chemistry. The final step in our recruitment process is an interview with the members of the Prémices team, during which the candidate can explain his motivations for the program. The price is established according to the family quotient.
We invite families, likely to be interested in our approach and educational offer, to contact us without delay. Registrations are open!
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