Monday March 11, 2024 is the 1st day of Ramadan in the year 1445H

Monday March 11, 2024 is the 1st day of Ramadan in the year 1445H

Monday March 11, 2024 is the 1st day of Ramadan in the year 1445H

In accordance with scientific data, the conjunction of the new moon of Ramadan 1445H will take place on March 10, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (Paris time). According to the calculation criteria adopted by the CFCM in 2013, the visibility of the new moon will be possible on the same day, particularly in the American continent. Also, the French Council of Muslim Worship (CFCM), announces that:

Monday March 11, 2024 is the first day of Ramadan in the year 1445H

On this occasion, the CFCM presents its best wishes to the Muslims of France and wishes them to experience great moments of tranquility, solidarity and sharing during this blessed month.

The Muslims of France, deeply attached to the spirit of sharing and solidarity of this month, will also find the means to bring it to life by joining forces with humanitarian and charitable organizations operating in our country and throughout the world.

Regarding the practice of young people, the CFCM recalls that numerous exemptions are provided for by the texts for the elderly, the sick, pregnant or breastfeeding women, travelers, etc. You should refer to it and strictly follow the advice of your doctor.

Zakat El Fitr: 9 euros / person

The “Zakat El Fitr” alms, payable to every Muslim family, was assessed this year at 9 euros per person. This approximate sum results from the application of the religious rule which takes into account both the giver and the receiver.

It is intended for the poor regardless of their religious affiliation. It is recommended to benefit the needy in the family’s place of residence. But, if necessary, it can be transferred elsewhere. Its payment, which generally occurs at the end of Ramadan, can be made from its first day. The responsibility for distributing this alms can be delegated to a person or to a charitable association.

This Zakat is reserved exclusively for the poor and cannot be used, for example, to help a mosque. To avoid confusion, mosques taking this opportunity to raise funds for their operation must inform donors and keep separate funds.

In a context marked by the continuation of the massacres of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, the victims of which are mainly women and children, the CFCM calls on the Muslims of France to raise prayers for these unbearable massacres to stop, for an end -fire be decreed and peace be established.

Paris, February 14, 2024

The French Council of Muslim Worship