Mystical peace of the soul

Mystical peace of the soul

Man feels the need to assuage his moral pain each time he experiences moments of discomfort or embarrassment. He also seeks, in another conscious way, the means to calm the agitations of his heart and his mind when he finds himself faced with a delicate choice. Before committing to the creation of a work, large or small, he wants his thoughts to be free of doubts that could call into question his decision. Even if his convictions are well-founded, he is looking for other elements of appreciation to be able to carry out an act without any hesitation.

Such was the attitude of Abraham, whose faith in God was not suspect, but who nevertheless wanted to verify his theory of the resurrection of the body.
And when Abraham said: “My Lord! Show me how You bring the dead back to life. » God said: “Do you not yet believe? » He replied: “Yes, I believe, but it is so that my heart may be appeased. » (S.2, 260)

The search for Truth brings peace into the believer's heart which consolidates self-confidence, helps him to overcome obstacles and easily reach the stage of certainty. This tranquility of the soul is only acquired by evoking God, both in moments of moral disturbance and in periods of apparent serenity.
Is it not that hearts are calmed at the Reminder of God? ? » (S.13, 28).

It is on this condition that the believer calms his agitated soul and clears the path that leads him to eternal salvation.
“O peaceful soul! Return to your Lord, satisfied and happy; therefore enter among My servants and enter My Paradiseis. » (S.89, 27 and 28)

Peace of soul presupposes firmness and constancy of convictions. It is verified in the truths that doubt and discouragement do not worry, in the actions that fear and sadness do not worry and in the hope that its finality is truly accepted by God, with the ideas that the sensitive needs and material elements of man manifest and ramify for a specific time and then disappear into infinite space, while everything that the Almighty normalizes is marked by the seal of eternity.
Everything here below perishes while the Face of your Lord remains, full of majesty and magnificence. » (S.55, 26 and 27)

Peace of soul lies in the hearts of sensible people who sincerely remember the Most High in all circumstances, in joy and sorrow, and of those who, constant in their laudable activities, reproach themselves for the inconvenience caused to others and do not show their disappointment when illusions deceive them.

Peace of soul knows varying degrees. There is that of the heart whose torments are soothed differently by supererogatory prayers and staggered fasts. There is that of behavior which consists of following, by various means, the path of rectitude, so as to achieve the set objective, by constantly asking the assistance of the Creator.
Say: This is my path; I appeal to God, me and those who follow me, with all clairvoyance » (S.12, 108).

Whatever the process adopted, the believer must not regret the non-renewal of the successes of the past or be saddened by the failure to accomplish his projects, and even less fear the uncertainties of the future.

The Prophet (pp) gives us this example of peace of soul. He always remained confident despite the permanent difficulties of his mission, aggravated by the repeated threats of his enemies. The obstacles which stood in his way, and the intimidations, even the threats which his sermons encountered, did not weaken his determination and his certainty of a final victory. He showed his trust in God at the most critical moments of his life, such as that day when, in the company of Abu Bakr, he took refuge in a cave, pursued by the unjust vengeance of the polytheists.

If you do not help the Prophet, God has already supported him when the unbelievers banished him, the second of the two, on the day when both were without the cave and he said to his companion: Do not grieve; yes, God is with us. » (S.9, 40)
The diligent reading of the Koran, the deep meditation of its content and its honest spiritual practice, according to the physical and intellectual capacities of each person, offer the believer consistent keys which open the path to peace and serenity with himself and with its surrounding environment, as it is true that the Holy Book represents the surest guide towards the consolidation of faith, which dissipates doubt, the cause of perplexity and indecision.

Peace of soul is conditioned by the certainty which is obtained in an intellectual, but also auditory and visual way, each time it is a question of ensuring for oneself the accuracy of a idea or fact. For this purpose, Abraham is cited as an example: he did not doubt the Resurrection of the dead, but he wanted to be an eyewitness to it, so as to better appease his heart.

On another level, divine Mercy chases away the melancholy that grips the heart; she affirms the resolutions, while the Reminder of God's punishment fills her with apprehension and then incites her to repentance so as to purify her organ of this heaviness which disturbs her conscience. According to Fakhr ar –Râzî: each time the heart reaches a stage of satisfaction, it immediately demands the passage to another more noble state because the world in miniature that is man only knows moral rest if its happiness is reconciled with the phases of pleasure in continual mutation. Once the heart and reason are strongly imbued with divine teachings, they rise to the most perfect level of bliss.

“The peaceful soul”, of which the Quran speaks, is the one which does not order evil because it conforms to the Decrees of God and convinces itself that His promises are not empty words. It is also the one which is characterized by the invariance of faith, whatever the seriousness of the trials encountered, and excludes from its space vanity and the false illusions of life.
Such, among men, worship a God hesitantly: if any good happens to him, he enjoys it quietly. But if a temptation overtakes him, he immediately turns away and thus loses the life of this world and the life to come: this is a certain loss. » (S.22, 11)

The Koran indicates in the surah entitled Jonah the case of those who, careless and negligent, imagine themselves to be at peace with their conscience.
As for those who do not hope for Our meeting, those who are satisfied with the present life, those who find tranquility there and who remain inattentive to Our signs: these are the ones whose refuge will be the Fire, for the price of what they acquired. » (S. 10, 7 and 8)

Man has a great need for this Morality which, by establishing peace in the heart, strengthens confidence in himself, lights his path towards the heights of certainty and serenity, and also helps him to overcome the difficulties of existence than to endure the sufferings that mark it.