Sweden: Salwan Momika, the arsonist of the Koran, is still active.  He provoked an explosion of anger and several arrests

Sweden: Salwan Momika, the arsonist of the Koran, is still active. He provoked an explosion of anger and several arrests

Nothing, definitely, stops the now infamous Salwan Momika, and especially not the ignominy of his sacrilegious acts.

The Iraqi arsonist of the Noble Quran in Sweden, his land of asylum which has become the scene of his inflammable provocations, rekindled the incandescent blaze of hatred on Sunday, September 3, in Malmö. A locality that he did not choose at random, since it is home to a large immigrant population.

It was on a public square, transformed into a real Place de Grève, that this formidable arsonist of social peace, with a troubled past, set up his pyre and let off the spark that ignited the powder.

The spectacle of the Holy Book delivered once again (one time too many!) to the flames of the Nordic extreme right, of which Salwan Momika is the arrogant incarnation, inevitably provoked an explosion of anger within the Muslim population who there attended, furious and dismayed.

Spectators showed their emotion after the organizer burned the writings “, the police said in a statement, adding that ” the atmosphere was stormy ”, while “ violent riots » erupted early in the afternoon.

While one question is on everyone’s lips – Why did the Swedish authorities tolerate another burning of the Koran on their soil and let Salwan Momika do it with complete impunity? the toll of this umpteenth public desecration of the Koran is heavy: around ten people were arrested for disturbing public order, two others were suspected of having participated in violent riots, and living together in the land of fjords was shattered…

Sweden would be well advised to take the example of its close neighbor, Denmark, which has not only made amends, but announced its firm intention to ban obscurantist burnings of the Holy Book of Islam on its national territory.

To read on Umma : “ Sweden: Has Salwan Momika, the sinister arsonist of the Noble Quran, found someone to talk to?! »