“The despicable burning of the Koran aims to sow discord,” denounces the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

“The despicable burning of the Koran aims to sow discord,” denounces the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The considerable wave of indignation raised by the abject desecrations of the Holy Koran, committed in the north of Europe, is not ready to subside, or only to better engulf, by breaking, the reef of hatred…

This immense wave of anger in the face of sacrilegious acts perpetrated on purpose, whose outrageous nature and the impunity which surround them offend many consciences, and not only Muslims, swept through the confines of a prestigious conference: that commemorating the 75th birthday of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This wave of protests against highly flammable book burnings took on a new dimension on Wednesday, in Madrid, with the outraged voice of Volker Türk, the High Commissioner of United Nations for Human Rights.

This Austrian lawyer, without fanfare, virulently condemned vile, despicable incidents, deliberate provocations (…) intended to sow discord between countries and communities “, while urging Europe to eradicate racism on its soil and defend the Human Rights of migrants and refugees.

I wish the understanding of the story was deeper », called for Volker Türk, before discussing the adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, following the Second World War. “ Europe then had 60 million people displaced as refugees. Refugee legislation is the result of this experience “, he stressed.

And to vividly recall: “ Countries came together to end the cycles of horror, destruction and poverty. The Declaration set out steps to enable reconciliation and build freer, fairer, more equal and more resilient societies. “.

Very concerned about the regression of Human Rights due to new technological developments, the multiplication of conflicts and the increase in levels of discrimination, the High Commissioner of United Nations for Human Rights has sounded the alarm: “ If we look around us, we are faced with gigantic and accumulating challenges that can have disastrous consequences for all of humanity. “, he warned.

He also pointed out the perverse and pernicious effects of digital platforms, which have become “ hate speech distribution systems “, while warning about uncontrolled technological advances such as artificial intelligence, autonomous weapons and surveillance that ” profoundly threaten the rights of every individual “.

Imbued with indignation and concern, Volker Türk’s significant speech nevertheless ended on a note of hope: “ I hope that the year 2023 will be remembered as the turning point that allowed us to reconnect with our commitment to solving problems while respecting Human Rights. This is an opportunity to rediscover the spirit that led to the adoption (of the Universal Declaration) and to project it into the future, so that we can benefit from this coherent framework “.