Rare footage of Mecca shot in the 1930s

Rare footage of Mecca shot in the 1930s

June 6, 2023, 11:28 a.m. 0 comment Rare footage of Mecca shot in the 1930s Now playingHajj / Umrah (pilgrimage to Mecca) You might also like What’s Your Reaction? Do…

Reflection around the “personality of the invisible”

Reflection around the “personality of the invisible”

The register of Muslim religious culture refers to several Islamic concepts including that of “Al-Ghayb” (the invisible). An analysis of the misunderstanding of this notion by Muslims and their relationship…

These French words from Algerian Arabic

These French words from Algerian Arabic

“Bled”, “maboul”, “clebs”… Mainly used in slang, these terms appeared in the French language through Algerian Arabic. do you know them? Arabic is one of the main languages ​​of the…