The Prophet and Womanhood: Rays of Light

The Prophet and Womanhood: Rays of Light

Feminine Intuition and Divine Light To speak of the Prophet of Islam and his relation to femininity is in truth to speak of the prophetic nature and of his own…

The Quest for Meaning in Islam

The Quest for Meaning in Islam

> Read the first part The quest for meaning in Islam therefore corresponds to elevation and interiorization. It will also be said that it is a “verticalization of knowledge”, that…

Islamophobic ultra-right group AFO targeted imams and Muslims

Islamophobic ultra-right group AFO targeted imams and Muslims

The National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office has requested the dismissal of sixteen members of Action des forces Opérationales (AFO) before the criminal court for “terrorist criminal association”. Among these twelve men…

Algeria: Forest fires killed 15 and injured 26

Algeria: Forest fires killed 15 and injured 26

During the night of Monday July 24, 2023, a devastating series of forest fires hit several wilayas in Algeria. Considerable human and plant losses have already been deplored. The wilayas…

The Way to God (1/2)

The Way to God (1/2)

Heaven rests on five pillars. Five mandatory practices. The five pillars of Islam are: the attestation of faith (divine uniqueness and Mohammadian model); there salat (unitive thanksgiving; canonical prayer); there…

The Endless Meanings of the Quran

The Endless Meanings of the Quran

The Koran is the basis of the spiritual identity of Muslim men and women. Word of God, it carries within itself infinite meanings, indescribable perspectives, it opens up truly ineffable…