Muslims who inspired Spinoza, Locke and Defoe

Muslims who inspired Spinoza, Locke and Defoe

In this time of angst, anger and contestation between the West and the Islamic world, many significant stories of intellectual exchanges between our cultures are often forgotten. The striking example…

Wednesday July 19 is Hijri New Year’s Day 1445

Wednesday July 19 is Hijri New Year’s Day 1445

On the occasion of the Hijri New Year 1445 corresponding to the Wednesday, July 19, 2023the French Council for Muslim Worship (CFCM) presents its dearest wishes for peace, happiness, health…

Muslim New Year: Happy New Year 1445 H!

Muslim New Year: Happy New Year 1445 H!

On the occasion of the new Hijri year 1445/H which will begin on Wednesday July 19, Oumma wishes you the most dear wishes for peace, happiness, health and prosperity. The…

The Morisco

The Morisco

April 1609, King Philip III of Spain decreed the expulsion of the Moriscos, Muslims who had been forcibly converted to Catholicism for several generations. The Iberian doxa has rendered its…